Thursday 16 June 2016


The Perfect Numbers - By Randy Nettles -
 This article is a continuation and expansion of a previous article I wrote titled, "Multiples of Seven." [1] If you are not familiar with the Feasts of the Lord and some of the prophecies of Daniel, you might want to read this article for a better understanding of this article's theme. Some of the information regarding the perfect numbers is taken from E.W. Bullinger's book titled,  Number in Scripture.
 The number 7 is one of the four so-called perfect numbers of the Bible. The numbers 3, 10, and 12 are the three other perfect numbers. The number 3 is the number for divine perfection, 7 is the number for spiritual perfection, 10 is the number for ordinal perfection, and 12 is the number for governmental perfection. 
 Although the number 5 is not considered one of the perfect numbers, it is significant; as it signifies grace. Briefly, without going into too much detail, here are a few illustrations of these "perfect" numbers.
 The number 3 is associated with the Godhead, for there are "three persons in God." The first occurrence of the number 3 is in Genesis 1 and describes the third day of creation.
 "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so" (Genesis 1:9).

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