Wednesday 13 April 2011


The KJV of the Bible states, "Come and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance" regarding the confederacy of nations surrounding the Jewish homeland.

Nearly three thousand years later, and the rhetoric is still the same, as the modern enemies of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Ahmadinejad of Iran bellow out similar sentiments on a regular basis.

Consider the fact that all of the following nations we will be listing from Psalm 83, which are prophesied to be defeated, are all Islamic nations whether they be Sunnis, Shias, or Wahhabis. The Koran is the spiritual foundation on which they stand, and as this rejects both Jesus as the Messiah, and Israel as the chosen people of Jehovah, they will have to pay serious consequences!

The ancient peoples of Edom and Amalek resided in the areas of what is presently known as Southern Jordan, and the lower region of the Gaza strip.

The Ishmaelites were located in the Northern region of modern day Arabia, and the area surrounding the modern Arab Emirates. Ammon was an ancient nation located east of the Jordan River, near Gilead and the Dead Sea in Jordan. Moab is also part of modern day Jordan.

The Hagarenes find their roots through their mother who was Hagar, Abraham's maidservant from Egypt, who conceived Ishmael. Also perhaps the area of Sudan might be included here, when considering its ancient affiliation with Egypt.

Gebal and Tyre are Lebanon. The modern day Philistines would find their assimilation in the stretch of land known as Gaza,  which Israel gave back to them in 2005.

Assur and the children of Lot are Iraq, along with Jordan, joined in a special relationship according to this prophecy.

The name of Asssur must also include modern day Syria. This fact is supported by numerous other passages of Scripture. Assur, or Assyria, was the powerful ancient world power formed by the uniting of Babylon (Iraq) and Syria. Both of these nations were bitter enemies up until the Persian Gulf War in 1990. Today this is no longer true, and they join in unison with Iran as declaring themselves sworn enemies of Israel.

We need to pray for these deceived people of Psalm 83, who are willing to plunge headfirst into a firestorm of the fury of the Almighty. They will not survive. They will be comprehensively defeated.

It is very interesting to note that these enemies of Israel listed in Psalm 83 are nowhere to be seen when it comes to the Gog and Magog War of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Why, you may ask? Because, in all probability, they will not exist as a war-machine, such will be there catastrophic defeat, and they will have no armies to supplement the Ezekiel invasion from the North.

The prophecy of Isaiah 17:1 is still to be fulfilled where Syria's capital city Damascus is totally destroyed, and this too will probably take place in this up-coming battle of Psalm 83.

The Middle East is a powder keg at the moment, with peace on a knife edge. The Islamic countries which surround Israel want them wiped off the face of the earth. Even Egypt, one of Israel's few friends, is in danger of falling to the Muslim Brotherhood following the recent uprising. Another former friend, Turkey to the north, has also now abandoned Israel.

There are so many uprisings, riots, wars, rumours of wars, major conflicts in the Middle East at the moment, that the powder keg could very soon explode into violent action. If this is the case, read Psalm 83 again and take heart. Israel will not be destroyed, for Jehovah God is with them, and this tiny little state in the heart of the former land of Palestine formed in May 1948, will not leave the maps of the world again.

This is the land where Jesus will return to at His Second Advent. It will not be Rome, London or New York. The Bible is quite explicit about this. It will be the Mount of Olives, in Jerusalem, in Israel. World events are moving at a rapid pace these days. If these events are getting closer and closer on the horizon, how soon will be the Rapture of the Church to the heavenly places to be the Bride of Christ?

Neville Stephens.

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